For Lakewood, Toms River, Jackson, Passaic and Clifton, NJ families only who are making Pesach for their first time only and who do not yet have Pesach kitchen wares.
The Rabbonim have ruled that you may not travel away for Pesach. Our Physicians insist that you not travel. Many states have set travel bans in place. Cities like Baltimore, Detroit, Miami, Cleveland, St. Louis and others have placed official requirements that NO ONE, including immediate family members, may join their communities over Pesach. Those cities have stated this EVEN for those who will have completed a 14 day quarantine before Pesach.
Thousands of families will be making Pesach in our area for the first time ever.
We do not want you out shopping – that is a Sakanah. We know how hard it is to make Pesach in any year, all the more so this year.
To ease your burden, the BMG Poskim have shared specific guidance of how to make Pesach this year for this year only.
We have arranged a box of basic Pesach kitchen supplies that you can order through us.
Price: $199 (price is subsidized – so please don’t take advantage of this if you don’t really need it)
Payment: By Credit Card only
Pickup Times: Starting Wednesday April 1st and Thursday April 2nd from 4:00PM to 10:00PM
Lakewood Pickup:
Pickup Location: 200 Syracuse Court, Lakewood NJ
Pickup Rules: Do NOT get out of your car, submit your order number, name and address to attendant. The box will be placed in your car.
Passaic/Clifton Pickup – All Passaic/Clifton pickup information will be announced on the Passaic/Clifton Covid website at https://www.pccovidupdate.com/local-support
Nothing in our boxes require Tevillas Keilim, (town Keilim Mikvah is closed). The Poskim’s guidance covers Tevillas Keilim in general and our boxes in particular.
Orders are non-refundable. No item can be exchanged or returned. You can only buy a complete box, you cannot choose to order some items and skip others. If there are items you don’t want, feel free to share it with a neighbor (following social distancing rules).
For Lakewood, Toms River, Jackson, Clifton, and Passaic families only who are making Pesach for their first time only and who do not yet have Pesach kitchen wares. Limit one box per household. Multiple orders will not be accepted. Although the website may allow multiple orders we will NOT process orders of more than 1 box.
Although you will receive an order confirmation number, we will not process orders of more than 1 box.
We are making every effort to secure adequate supply but can make no guarantee and are doing our best. If we run out of supply we will post that on this website. We continue to work on supplies so we might run out and hold sales and then restart- all notices will be posted on this webite. If our website accepts your order that means your order is confirmed and that you will have your box.
Looks like they sold out. Hope they get more.
What’s in the box? They should be itemizing what’s in there.
Please list the items included in the box. If there are items needed that are not on the list, we can get them in advance.
Thank You
They need a password to shop???