American Jewish Life

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  • Deadline Reminder and "Oh the people I have met!"

    I am sending this because they are doing a high holiday survey to see who will want to attend in person services and what type of virtual services people want. Link is on the bottom.
  • Trying to Make a Minyan

    This spring (2020), soon into quarantines and lockdowns in Israel, I was missing the ability to daven b'tzibbur and I looked around my room and saw my teddy-bear. I thought to myself that it was funny that he was the one closest to me while I davened! I wasn't completely alone. I had my roommate, who I could have been davening with, but even so, there was a sense of isolation and I imagined how it could have been jokingly possible to make a minyan in our two person apartment. More than Zoom minyanim, my own stuffed animals and artefacts in my apartment felt present to me. Just for fun, and to cheer myself up, I took this picture and posted it to social media. Please see the photograph attached. I would like to note that the tallis and tefillin in the photograph are my own and my teddy bear, properly named Grey Bear, has a guf naki!

    All patient and medical professionals names are pseudonyms and often gender/religion are changed as well.

    All patient and medical professionals names are pseudonyms and often gender/religion are changed as well.

    All patient and medical professionals names are pseudonyms and often gender/religion are changed as well.

    All patient and medical professionals names are pseudonyms and often gender/religion are changed as well.
  • Covid notes

    All patient and medical professionals names are pseudonyms and often gender/religion are changed as well.
  • Show Me Your Face

    All patient and medical professionals names are pseudonyms and often gender/religion are changed as well.
  • Kitah Aleph at Cong. Agudat Achim

    Noah Steinberger's day of kitah aleph at Congregation Agudat Achim, Alexandria, VA
  • [Class Assignment]

    I attached an assignment that I did for my final project in The Material Object in Jewish Literature with Professor Mann. I wrote about the pandemic and Jewish camp, which includes a graphic essay and a brief explanatory reflection paper. This project was done in April/May 2020 from Los Angeles. I am 22, had to move back to Los Angeles with my parents, siblings, and dogs when Barnard and JTS closed their dorms, and missed the spring of my senior year, as well as my three graduation ceremonies.
  • [Class Assignment]

    I attached an assignment that I did for my final project in The Material Object in Jewish Literature with Professor Mann. I wrote about the pandemic and Jewish camp, which includes a graphic essay and a brief explanatory reflection paper. This project was done in April/May 2020 from Los Angeles. I am 22, had to move back to Los Angeles with my parents, siblings, and dogs when Barnard and JTS closed their dorms, and missed the spring of my senior year, as well as my three graduation ceremonies.
  • A Prayer for Health at this Time

    As a Masorti rabbi, I have written 3 devar Torah columns responding to the present pandemic and a tefilla composed for an erev Shemini Atzeret Zoom gathering of Kehillat Maayanot in Jerusalem. Those are attached. Two of the columns were written in both English and Hebrew for Rabbis for Human Rights (in israel), and the third for the “Masorti Matters” column of the British "Masorti Judaism” movement’s weekly newsletter.
  • Dvar Torah - Distancing from Death

    As a Masorti rabbi, I have written 3 devar Torah columns responding to the present pandemic and a tefilla composed for an erev Shemini Atzeret Zoom gathering of Kehillat Maayanot in Jerusalem. Those are attached. Two of the columns were written in both English and Hebrew for Rabbis for Human Rights (in israel), and the third for the “Masorti Matters” column of the British "Masorti Judaism” movement’s weekly newsletter.
  • Dvar Torah, Book of Numbers, Book of Names

    As a Masorti rabbi, I have written 3 devar Torah columns responding to the present pandemic and a tefilla composed for an erev Shemini Atzeret Zoom gathering of Kehillat Maayanot in Jerusalem. Those are attached. Two of the columns were written in both English and Hebrew for Rabbis for Human Rights (in israel), and the third for the “Masorti Matters” column of the British "Masorti Judaism” movement’s weekly newsletter.