American Jewish Life

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  • Jewish Summer Camps | Health & Safety Protocols in 2020

    This collection showcases how some Jewish summer camps implemented health and safety protocols amidst the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • 450+ Rabbis Sign NYJA Statement and Press Conference Video

    In this virtual press conference held by the New York Jewish Agenda, more than 450 rabbis, cantors, and other religious leaders joined together to speak out in favor of life-saving, geography-based COVID-19 protective measures. The event also featured Jacob Kornbluh, a Jewish journalist who was assaulted during the October 7th protest and riots in Boro Park.
  • SV News Coverage of the Boro Park Protests

    These tweets from @SVNewAlerts cover the New York City police dispersing the crowds gathered to celebrate the Sukkot holiday and the later protests of Governor Andrew Cuomo's lockdown of synagogues. The lockdown comes as COVID-19 spikes in nine New York City communities.
  • Prizmah Heads of Small Schools Check In Notes

    Prizmah is the network for Jewish day schools across North America. In their effort to support school leaders, Prizmah is regularly convening Heads of School for weekly calls. These calls offer support for the Heads of School, as well as asking them what Prizmah can do to help them navigate through these difficult times.
  • Prizmah COVID-19 Heads of School Weekly Calls

    Prizmah is the network for Jewish day schools across North America. In their effort to support school leaders, Prizmah is regularly convening Heads of School for weekly calls. These calls offer support for the Heads of School, as well as asking them what Prizmah can do to help them navigate through these difficult times.
  • High Holidays on Zoom, including Zoom Choir

    Rabbi Sunny Schnitzer and BJC Zoom Choir singing on Yom Kippur 2020, Bethesda Jewish Congregation, Bethesda, Maryland.
  • Colbeh Fine Contemporary Catering

    These emails from Colbeh, a kosher restaurant, show how the restaurant has responded to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Congregation Beit Simchat Torah's Yom Kippur Neilah Service

    Congregation Beit Simchat Torah is a "vibrant spiritual community and a progressive Jewish voice. Founded in 1973, CBST attracts and welcomes gay men, lesbians, bisexuals, transgender, queer, and straight individuals and families who share common values." CBST livestreamed their Yom Kippur Neilah Service so members of its congregation, and those across the country, could join in despite COVID-19 restrictions on gatherings.
  • COVID-19 Update Rabbi Dr Glatt: Why this Tremendous Surge Now all Over Frum Communities?

    This article discusses rising case numbers in the Five Towns community, with context about the number of cases in the United States and worldwide. It also addresses people who refuse to wear masks and restates the importance of protecting yourself and your community from the virus.
  • Camp Bonim Updates

    Camp Bonim is a Jewish summer camp located in Pennsylvania, with a main office in New York. These updates from their website cover changes to their 2020 camp season due to COVID-19
  • Ohel Children's Home and Family E-Newsletters

    These newsletters offer virtual support services for its community during the COVID-19 pandemic, such as "Thera-zoom" sessions and other webinars to help people cope through difficult times.
  • Rosh HaShanah services in under three minutes

    Through Instagram Reels, a TikTok copycat, I condensed Rosh HaShanah services down to just two and a half minutes. I mostly made it in the empty sanctuary of Congregation KTI in Port Chester, NY. I had seen plenty of creative technological adaptations of high holiday liturgy, but none using the short music video format popularized by TikTok. So I decided to go for it! The Shofar filter on Instagram that I use in the video comes from Valley Beth Shalom, a synagogue in Los Angeles.
  • The Blast Erev Rosh Ha Shanah 2020

    My non-Jewish (who none-the-less raised 3 Jewish children) husband and past sax and clarinet player joined The Blast on Capitol Hill NE on Erev Rosh Hashanah
  • Rosh Hashanah

    Here are photos of my 1st day setting for 12 people. I have the outline of the service along with a page of instructions to each participant.
  • Sign and Candles at Supreme Court Memorial for Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg

    In this photo, taken on the evening of September 19th at 10:26 PM, there are candles lit that illuminate a sign that rests against the shrubbery right next to the steps of the Supreme Court building. The sign reads, "May her memory be a revolution," calling upon Justice Ginsburg's reliance on the line from the Torah that she kept framed in her chambers there- "Tzedek, tzedek tirdof" or "Justice, justice you shall pursue" and putting an inspiring spin on the traditional Jewish sentiment "May her memory be a blessing". In light of the recent unrest and pursuit of social justice in America, many Jewish people have been using this phrase to inspire change in honor of those that have been lost, and it was incredibly fitting for use in honoring Justice Ginsburg. This photo was taken at a memorial held in her honor on the steps of the Supreme Court building the night after news broke on the evening of Rosh Hashanah to the American public of her passing.
  • Joint Statement from North American Yeshiva High School Principals

    This statement was sent out by SAR High School to students and their parents via email, addressing the back-to-school season. Read the full statement below:
  • Pandemic holidays

    This story reports on the way a range of synagogues across the spectrum plans to celebrate the High Holy Days.
  • Supporting Ourselves and Our Children Through Challenging Times

    Rabbi Dr. Alex Mondrow gave 3 support sessions for the parents of SINAI Schools, which serves children with special needs across the NY metropolitan area. This is part 1 of the series, given about 2 weeks after everyone went into lockdown in NJ.
  • Jews United for Justice, Interview #1

    This interview talks about how Jews United for Justice is maintaining safety, engaging their volunteer community, and adapting their outreach efforts during the pandemic.
  • A Shabbat-friendly daily health assessment

    "Brandeis students and community members observing Shabbat can now complete a daily health assessment and receive a Campus Passport, which enables them to take part in public campus activities, while fully observing Jewish law and tradition."
  • RCBC Schools Joint Statement

    The Rabbinical Council of Bergen County released this joint statement from rabbinic and educational leadership of their shuls and schools, in conjunction with the medical professionals, on the back-to-school season. The statement emphasizes the need for social distancing, complying with local and state rules related to COVID-19 and travel restrictions, and limiting community interactions to only the necessities when under quarantine.

    These poems began as a way to creatively express my very powerful feelings about what was happening in the world, as well as in my community. It was also a way for me to share with family and friends. I am a Reform Jew not associated with any synagogue. However, in rereading all of my poems, I realized that they contained many of the values of Judaism: caring, tsedakah, sharing, tikun ha'olum, welcoming the stranger into my (tent) backyard, empathy, and joy. I hope that you will enjoy them as well.
  • Lego Synagogue

    On Passover 2020, synagogues were closed in Skokie, IL. To mollify the situation, Meital (age 7) and Jack (age 5) Eleff constructed their synagogue (with some license) out of Lego blocks.
  • R. L. and A. K. Wedding

    These images come from a wedding in Englewood, New Jersey. COVID-19 related changes included masked chasen’s tisch, dancing with ropes to stay separated, hand sanitizers, and masks as swag. The band performing at the reception were completely unmasked, but the bride and groom wore masks as they danced together.
  • Essay, "COVID vs. God" by Doris H. Goldstein

    Essay titled, "COVID vs. God" by Doris H. Goldstein. A copy of this article is housed in Mss 273, Doris and Martin Goldstein Papers at the William Breman Jewish Heritage Museum.