American Jewish Life

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  • Florida Jews to New Yorkers: Don't Come Here Pesach

    This urgent community warning urges out-of-staters to avoid coming to Florida for Pesach, citing a Halachic requirement to keep their communities safe and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
  • Notice From The Editor

    This notice from the editor announces that they will no longer publish information on any public or private gatherings taking place in Crown Heights in attempt to discourage such gatherings and prevent the spread of the novel coronavirus.
  • Ask the Rav: If a parent passed away and one sat Shiva for one day, and after that he was infected with the virus and they put him to sleep for seven days, is he obligated to make up for the days that he did not sit beforehand? allows members of the Jewish community to ask any Halachic questions they may have. According to the website, "AskTheRav is affiliated with the Beis Din of Crown Heights, Brooklyn, NY, and with the Va’ad Hakohol of Crown Heights. The AskTheRav project is overseen by Rabbi Yosef Yeshaya Braun, Morah D’Asra and executive member of the Beis Din. All answers are reviewed by Rabbi Braun." This question (tagged under אבילות (mourning), Coronavirus, and Shiva) asks whether a partner has to make up days of Shiva they missed if they were placed in a medically-induced coma for seven days. AsktheRav replied by saying that they do not have to make up those missed days.
  • Follow the Truck with the Fruit Tree: Birchas Illanos

    This article from BoroPark24-- a Jewish news outlet in Brooklyn, New York-- allowed readers to click a link to track the location of a truck, which helped residents of Boro Park celebrate Birchas Ilanos.
  • Adam Starr Facebook Post: "JFK" with the Rabbi

    Rabbi Adam Starr posted this infographic on his personal Facebook page, letting his friends know he will be visiting a different area of Toco Hills each week for a socially-distanced "Just For Kiddush" visit outside congregants' houses.
  • The Pesach Box

    Listed under Breaking News on, this article advertises the Pesach Box to readers. The box was created as a response to COVID-19 restrictions on public gatherings, offering a $199 box of kitchen equipment needed to make Pesach at home. The box is intended for "Lakewood, Toms River, Jackson, Passaic and Clifton, NJ, families only who are making Pesach for their first time only and who do not yet have Pesach kitchen wares."
  • Sixth Street Community Synagogue: Still Closed

    Sixth Street Community Synagogue released this statement on May 25, 2020, announcing that they would remain closed due to concerns about the COVID-19 pandemic. The announcement came as Governor Cuomo (NY) allowed religious institutions to hold services of no more than 10 people (with masks and social distancing in place).
  • Keeping Religion Safe and Vital: Congregation Beth Israel in Portland Oregon

    Congregation Beth Israel in Portland, Oregon was first established in 1858, It is currently part of the Union of Reform Judaism. The congregation is dedicated to meaningful spiritual experience and commitment to social justice. Since mid March of 2012 CBI has reached out to those most vulnerable to Covid-19 and offered events and services on Zoom and other platforms.
  • Donation Request from the Hebrew Free Burial Association

    This Facebook post from the Hebrew Free Burial Association ask for used Talleisim, regardless of condition. The Talleisim should be mailed to Mount Richmond Cemetery, 420 Clarke Avenue, Staten Island, New York 10306.
  • #PickUpThePhone: Jewish Mental Health and COVID-19

    As COVID-19 affects the way people interact, this advert prompts people to reach out if they are spending Pesach alone or as a caretaker, especially if they are prone to depression and suicidal ideation. A url listed on the image ( brings users to a Google Sheet with volunteers people can reach out to.
  • Institute of Southern Jewish Life Shalom Y'all Summer 2020 issue

    Shalom Y'all, a triannual publication of the Goldring/Woldenberg Institute of Southern Jewish Life (ISJL), documents ISJL programs across a thirteen-state southern region. This issue outlines the organization's programs and services, with a focus on changes to programming in the face of the coronavirus pandemic.
  • Zoom seders: iPads, iPhones and laptops on holiday tables as Passover adapts to COVID-19 pandemic

    This Chicago Sun Times article covers how Jews are adapting their Passover seders and traditions in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic
  • JCCs close, hundreds furloughed as Bay Area Jewish orgs feel weight of coronavirus

    This article discusses the economic impacts of COVID-19 on the Jewish community in the Bay Area (California) as Jewish Community Centers are closed and hundreds of workers are furloughed.
  • Courageous Leadership Now: An Urgent Agenda for the Jewish Community and its Institutions

    Yehuda Kurtzer's important essay about leadership during this period examines why individuals had to rise to the occasion, the sustainability of such exceptional performances, and the economic impact of COVID-19 on philanthropy in the Jewish community.
  • Early Bird COVID-19 Sermon For The Jewish New Year

    A key prayer connected with the Jewish High Holy Day services states in part, "“On Rosh Hashanah it is inscribed, and on Yom Kippur it is sealed, how many shall pass away and how many shall be born, who shall live and who shall die, who in good time and who in an untimely death. Who shall have rest and who shall wander. Who shall become rich and who impoverished.” This sermon is about how the pandemic has affected our feelings about this chilling prayer about fate and how we might interpret it. An alternate "gentler, kinder" version is offered and discussed. This sermon will be preached in mid-September during Rosh Hashanah, the Jewish New Year Please note: For the date below, I put the month and day I plan to preach the sermon on Zoom; the date I "prepublished" it is June 24th, 2020 in my blog,
  • "Minced" virtual southern Jewish cooking competition

    Four staff members of the Institute of Southern Jewish Life participated in a Facebook Live cooking competition via Zoom, hosted by ISJL Historian Dr. Josh Parshall and Dr. Marcie Cohen Ferris, University of North Carolina - Chapel Hill Professor Emeritus and scholar of foodways and southern and Jewish cultures.
  • Institute of Southern Jewish Life Community Engagement Fellow Ava Pomerantz Virtual ASK Visit

    Screenshot of Institute of Southern Jewish Life Community Engagement Fellow Ava Pomerantz's virtual Zoom visit with Temple Emanu-El in Birmingham, AL. Ava Pomerantz facilitated a Jewish social justice module titled Jewish Resilience as part of the ISJL's ASK (Act, Share, Keep) program.
  • Institute of Southern Jewish Life Community Engagement Department ASK (Act, Share, Keep) Newsletter

    This issue of the Institute of Southern Jewish Life ASK (Act, Share, Keep) Newsletter shares resources to help others during the COVID-19 pandemic. This monthly email newsletter goes to congregations and individuals across the South who participate in this Jewish social justice education program.
  • Institute of Southern Jewish Life Pass(over) the Seder Plate Video

    A video from Institute of Southern Jewish Life celebrating Passover with a virtual passing of the Seder plate. All the staff at the ISJL participate to virtually welcome Passover. This video was shared on social media with ISJL supporters and partners.
  • Institute of Southern Jewish Life Program Manager Rachel Glazer's communication with Congregation Beth Yeshurun in Houston, TX

    Email from Institute of Southern Jewish Life Program Manager Rachel Glazer to Congregation Beth Yeshurun in Houston, Texas. This communication concerns the cancellation and rescheduling of a planned Act, Share, Keep (ASK) Jewish social justice program in April due to COVID-19.
  • Institute of Southern Jewish Life Community Engagement Program Manager Rachel Glazer's Virtual Visit to Congregation Beth Yeshurun in Houston, Texas

    Screenshot of Institute of Southern Jewish Life Community Engagement Program Manager Rachel Glazer's virtual Zoom visit with Congregation Beth Yeshurun in Houston, TX. Rachel Glazer facilitated a Jewish social justice module titled Prayers and Playlists as part of the ISJL's ASK (Act, Share, Keep) program.
  • Statement from the Rabbinical Council of Bergen County (New Jersey)

    A statement from the RCBC on the ongoing health situation in their community due to the COVID-19 pandemic. The focus of the statement is on following health professionals' advice to slow the spread of the disease and socially distance.
  • פסקי קורונה/ Piskei Corona

    Rabbi Hershel Schachter's, a very influential Orthodox rabbi, responsa (Hebrew and English) on framing Jewish Law on this period.
  • Study, study, study

    Like you, I have lots of time on my hands during the past several months. I have chosen to increase my knowledge of Judaism by studying online with my professors in Jerusalem (Hebrew University), here at home at my synagogue, and with the Jewish Theological Seminary in NY. The webinars have been free, usually one hour, presentations on Zoom with hundreds of other adult learners. A wonderful way to connect and learn from some of the leading experts in many fields of research.
  • Let's Chalk Shabbat

    Announcement of Shabbat candle lighting time chalked on sidewalk outside Trader Joe's on Manhattan's Upper West Side