American Jewish Life

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  • T'ruah: The Daughters Who Roared and Were Heard

    The article invites readers to look to midrashic tradition when reflecting on their experiences during the pandemic.
  • T'ruah: Be the Window

    Rabbi Sara and Dr. Michael Paasche-Orlow talk about the parallels of the world in 2020 and the challenges that Noah faced in his story. The importance of timing is discussed and the need for "windows" (or light and guidance) in our lives.
  • T'ruah: Blessings, Curses, and Choices

    Writer Talla Lavin talks about the tradition of the fish head during Rosh Hashanah and its connotations to blessings. She draws from these learnings when talking about the blessings and curses of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • T'ruah: Sourdough, Matzah, and the Vaccine Wait

    A d'var Torah where writer Sienna Lotenberg talks about preparing sourdough and matcah at home during the pandemic. Lotenberg talks about the significance of bread in Jewish history and the original agricultural significance of Pesach. She juxtaposes the story with the anxious waiting for receiving the vaccine in order to get back to a normal life.
  • Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia: Letter on Reopening and High Holidays

    The letter is asking rabbis of the Greater Philadelphia area to have a plan of safety measures before reopening during the summer of 2020. The letter calls for rabbis to collaborate and be creative in order to celebrate the usual crowded high holidays and make sure their communities are safe.
  • Board of Rabbis of Greater Philadelphia: Letter from the Board

    This letter is a guideline of funeral and mourning practices for those who lost loved ones during the COVID-19 pandemic. For example, along with mask wearing and social distancing, other practices such as the shiva should limit attendance to immediate family only.
  • Svara: Breathing Into The Rubble

    Drawing from Torah writings, Laynie Soloman writes about friendship during the COVID-19 pandemic. Tackling the question of how one can recalibrate after suffering from trauma and isolation, Soloman takes time to self-reflect and grow.
  • Svara: Spring Programs & COVID-19 Update

    The post announces the postponement of Svara events that were planned for March and April 2020. Svara also lets their readers know that the organization is there for support and guidance in the time of uncertainty and isolation marked by the pandemic.
  • Svara: The City That Never Sleeps - And The City That Becomes Home

    Rabbi Bronwen Mullin reflects on his position as rabbi in a Jersey City synagogue. A culmination of events, including the COVID-19 pandemic and the Black Lives Matter movement, led him to strengthen his position in the city as not only a religious leader but also an activist.
  • Svara: The Resilience of Crying Out

    The article, written by SVARA fellow R'Hayley Goldstein, writes about the importance of reflecting on one's relationship during the pandemic. The article highlights the importance of going back to the teachings of the Bible on resilience during a time of difficulty.
  • jewishLIVE: Virtual Seder Guide

    A document created for jewishLIVE which links videos provided for the Virtual Seder. The document is meant to be a guide for those looking to enhance their seder ritual.
  • jewishLIVE: Virtual Seder

    The jewishLIVE platform has gathered educational resources for people to enjoy and enrich their seder. The page is divided into several phases of the seder, such as preparation and blessing the wine. Most of the videos are very short
  • Episode 1 of Quarantine Book Club

    The episode kicks off jewishLIVE's Quarantine Book Club where readers come toger to discuss important Jewish texts. The first meeting features Rachel Kadish, author of The Wight of Ink, and author Tova Mirvis.
  • The Plagues Project: Introduction to the Ten Plagues (with Zoe Fertik)

    The introductory video for the jewishLIVE series, The Plagues Project. Zoe Fertik discusses the Ten Plagues in the Bible as a starting point for the series.
  • jewishLIVE: Passover 2021 Resources

    The digital hub, jewishLIVE, has put together good resources for those celebrating Passover during the pandemic. Some programs include series put out by jewishLIVE such as The Plagues Project. There is also instruction videos on making matzah at home.
  • jewishLIVE: The Plagues Project

    An online series where Jewish thought leaders come together to discuss Judaism and plagues. Each week there is a new conversation on a different perspective on Judaism and both Biblical plagues and historical plagues.
  • jewishLIVE: Quarantine(ish) Book Talks

    The online group is co-produced with Jewish Women's Archive and is hosted live on Thursdays at 8 pm EDT. Meetings include discussion of the scheduled text as well as conversation with the text's author(s).
  • ShavuotLIVE 2021: 30-Hour Festival of Digital Jewish Learning

    For Shavuot 2021, the digital hub jewishLIVE hosted a 30-hour nonstop program for the Jewish community worldwide to partake in. The holiday is meant to be celebrated as a time for all-night learning.
  • What is jewishLIVE?

    The digital platform, jewishLIVE, was founded in March 2020 as a response to quarantine and social distancing restrictions put in place. The website is a platform for people to go to for accessible Jewish programming.
  • Judaism Unbound Podcast - Zooming Out (with Steven Windmueller)

    Steven Windmueller joins Dan and Lex for a conversation that goes into the history of the American Jewish institutional evolution and what looking forward will bring.
  • Judaism Unbound Podcast - Emerging (with Joshua Lesser)

    Joshua Lesser, rabbi of Congregation Bet Haverim, join Dan and Lex for a discussion about Jewish life looked through a lens of a metamorphosis, transitioning from a former into the latter.
  • Judaism Unbound Podcast - A Book That Didn't Make It (with Barbara Thiede)

    Professor of Religious Studies Barbara Thiede joins Dan and Lex on discussing the Book of Jubilees, and its lessons. The speakers also discuss other books that didn't make it into the Bible.
  • Judaism Unbound Podcast - A New Sinai (with Dan and Lex)

    Speakers Dan and Lex discuss the building of a new Judaism in the year 2020 and beyond.
  • Judaism Unbound Podcast - Viral Philanthropy (with Lila Corwin Berman)

    Director of the Feinstein Center for American Jewish History, Lila Corwin Berman, talks about the history of Jewish philanthropy and how Jewish philanthropists are responding to the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • Judaism Unbound - Tools for the Journey (with Amichai Lau-Lavie)

    Spiritual leader Amichai Lau-Lavie speaks with Dan and Lex on the spiritual tools discovered during the COVID-19 pandemic that can be preserved for "after" the pandemic.