Think Piece: "No large High Holiday Services this year. There, we've said it. Now what?"
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Think Piece: "No large High Holiday Services this year. There, we've said it. Now what?"
As a rabbi of a small congregation, I was involved in hours and hours of decisions about suspending each type of in-person activity. Each decision seems obvious looking back, but was excruciating and time-consuming at the time. It was hard to reflect or help our leadership reflect, re-root ourselves in our values. After one particularly frustrating meeting in April, with no grounding principles, I sat down to write some. A few weeks of revisions let me to write this, circulating it among some colleagues, revise it and eventually publish it. I heard from many, many colleagues, some I had never met, who found it helpful as both a way of thinking generally, and a way of looking ahead past the immediate and giving ourselves enough time to several months ahead toward the High Holy Days.
May 5, 2020
New Hampshire
Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett
This item was submitted on July 25, 2020 by Rabbi Jon Spira-Savett using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “American Jewish Life”:
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