[Kol Nidre Cue Sheets]

[Kol Nidre Cue Sheets]
35 year old Rabbinical Student, married to a fellow JTS - Davidson student. Parent to 2 kids under 3 years old. This submission is from a community I have served for the past 2.5 years as a student Rabbi.; These cue sheets show the major changes we made to our HHD services, as well as the presence of ZOOM. The services were led by myself and a lay leader who acted as ZOOM driver. There was a multimedia component in which two lay leaders (head of ritual and shul president) pre-recorded beloved congregational tunes. Additionally, I led these services from Michigan while the community were both in their homes in Connecticut, and a small group was gathered in person in the synagogue). There were roughly 40-50 people present at these services. At the culmination of Neilah - the triumphant finale after getting through all these complex stage directions, the zoom driver (who was also the shofar blower) forgot to unmute himself! We all had a great laugh - and somehow the moment really transcended the zoom room and was imbued with magic and connection.
Date Created
September 27, 2020
Accrual Method
Conservative Jewish Community Response - Solicited Submissions
Nosanwisch, Blair (JTS Student)