Audra K



Audra K


I didn’t know what would happen with my Christian church that I love. When everything shut down in March we thought it would only be a week or two. Weeks quickly turned into months and our church started on line services. I actually really enjoyed them - although I missed the interaction and fellowship of being in the church building. It became apparent that church is in our hearts and we are the church - not a building.
My church did also start outdoor service over the summer which was wonderful.
Church (the body of Christ) lives within all of Gods children and we can worship Him and pray wherever we are. Thank you Jesus❣️

Date Created

October 24, 2020


Biblical Christian


New Jersey

This item was submitted on October 24, 2020 by Audra K using the form “Contribute Your Materials” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”:

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