COVID-19 changed me



COVID-19 changed me


I'm an international student that was suppose to graduate this may, I study in the United stated after Covid 19 started spreading, my state had low cases everything was online one day I woke up receiving an from my sponsors asking me to book my flight back home since its better there so I did, as I reached my country the checked our temperature and all , then sent us to a hotel that was guarded by the military themselves we didn't leave our rooms for 15 days, had no contact with anyone even the people in the hotel. The first few days went well but then it was sad and depressing being back home not seeing your family or connecting anyone in person , i used my time wisely, i started to create a schedule of the activities i would like to do , such as watch my lectures , solve my homework, work out , i became more connected to god , i did my prayers on time, I started drawing again and thinking of my future and what will i do once everything is over , after the 15 days i came home i learned how to cook , our maid went back to her country so i started helping my family in cleaning the house, cooking , going to buy the grocery washing them then putting them in the fridge , i washed the clothed and hanged them in the sun , i was used to a certain life style and i felt corona helped me change my personality, I became more independent, more organized , more spiritual more caring and understanding

Date Created

March 27, 2020







This item was submitted on April 27, 2020 by [anonymous user] using the form “Tell us your story” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”:

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