How my Great-Grandmother has Been Affected by Covid-19



How my Great-Grandmother has Been Affected by Covid-19


I would like to start this off by mentioning that I understand the importance of religion for many people, but my grandmother is someone who takes her religion extremely seriously. Ever since I was a young child I always remembered my great-grandmother (a survivor of both the Great Depression, Polio, and World War 2) being completely dedicated to her religion and her attendance has only been affected by health issues. This changed a few weeks ago when it came time for Easter Sunday and my great-grandmother, being 94 could not attend that service for the first time in her life. She attempted to navigate technology to allow her to watch the service online but was unable to get all the kinks worked out, even with us younger grandchildren helping. Even if my grandmother had been successful in watching her service online, it would have been drastically different than what she had experienced her entire life. For someone who is a widow, survived many tribulations, and now has to go through Covid-19 is affecting her and the people around her, it makes things very difficult. Many of my family members are not devout to Christianity like my grandmother, this is very hard on her, with her not attending service, and not being able to talk about her religion it is causing her to go as she put it "stir crazy".

Date Created

April 12, 2020


South Street Christian Church


Disciples of Christ



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