Family Growth Through Worship at Home



Family Growth Through Worship at Home


Because of COVID-19, my church, like many others, has had to go to streamed services. They have been filming worship and preaching from my pastor's home, and then we are all able to watch on Facebook and YouTube during the normal service times. This has definitely been a change for my church, and even just my family. I definitely miss going to church services on Sunday mornings as well as throughout the week. My husband and I are very involved in our church, and I lead a life group that normally takes place at a coffee shop. In the midst of the pandemic, I have also had to lead my life group virtually. We have been meeting over Zoom, and it has been weird, but it definitely makes me feel so grateful for technology. It could easily shake our faith to be so much more disconnected from our fellow believers, but we have chosen to allow our faith to be strengthened by the time that we get to spend together as a family in worship. We may not get to be with all of our friends and church family to celebrate, but we do get to have a much more intimate worship time at home. My husband and I have grown in our faith and relationship with one another by focusing on pouring into each other and having church at home with just the two of us.

Date Created

May 1, 2020


The Well Church


Christian- Nazarene



This item was submitted on May 1, 2020 by Haley using the form “Tell us your story” on the site “Pandemic Religion: A Digital Archive”:

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